Board of Directors
Their job is to encourage community philanthropy and leadership, by developing a vision for the future through the grants for projects.
2024 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Lawrence McFarlane, Rod Veitch, Donna Morken, Gerry Gourlay; Front Row (L-R): Jocelyn Beever, Susan Citulsky. Missing from the photo are Donna Falkevitch and Aaron Tycoles.
2023 Board of Directors
Donna Morken, Lawrence McFarlane, Rod Veitch, Donna Falkevitch, Gerry Gourlay, Ed Shaw, Cherri Whelpton, Stacey Stott, Aaron Tycoles, and Susan Citulsky.
2022 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Lawrence McFarlane, Rod Veitch, Donna Falkevitch, Donna Morken. Front Row (L-R): Gerry Gourlay, Ed Shaw, Cherri Whelpton. Missing from the photo: Stacey Stott, Aaron Tycoles, Susan Citulsky
2021 Board of Directors
Rod Veitch, Ian Dyer, Donna Falkevitch, Aaron Tycoles, Stacey Stott, Gerry Gourlay, Donna Morken, Ed Shaw, Cherri Whelpton.
2020 Board of Directors
Rod Veitch, Michelle McFadden, Ian Dyer, Donna Falkevitch, Aaron Tycoles, Stacey Stott, Gerry Gourlay, Donna Morken, Ed Shaw, Cherri Whelpton.
2019 Board of Directors
Craig Allison, Michelle McFadden, Ian Dyer, Donna Falkevitch, Aaron Tycoles, Stacey Stott, Gerry Gourlay, Donna Morken, Rod Veitch, Cherri Whelpton.
2018 Board of Directors
L-R: Cherri Whelpton, Michelle McFadden, Donna Morken, Peter Mellings, Donna Falkevitch, Ian Dyer, Rod Veitch. Missing from the photo: Craig Allison
2017 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Rod Veitch, Stacey Stott, Donna Falkevitch, Craig Allison, Peter Mellings. Front Row (L-R): Ian Dyer, Michelle McFadden, Cherri Whelpton, Donna Morken.
2016 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Al Morken, Brian Carlisle, Diane Marriott, Donna Falkevitch, Wayne Wareham, Peter Mellings, Harry Airey. Front Row (L-R): Ian Dyer, Michelle McFadden, Craig Allison, Donna Morken. Missing from the photo: Stacey Stott.
2015 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Brian Carlisle, Ian Dyer, Al Morken, Peter Mellings, Harry Airey, Craig Allison. Front Row (L-R): Donna Falkevitch, Michelle McFadden, Diane Marriott, Donna Morken. Missing from the photo: Wayne Wareham and Stacey Stott.
2014 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Donna Falkevitch, Sarah McLeod, Craig Allison, Ian Dyer, Harry Airey, Peter Mellings, Brian Carlisle, Al Morken. Front Row (L-R): Diane Marriott, Donna Morken, Michelle McFadden. Missing from the photo: Wayne Wareham.
2013 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Donna Falkevitch, Peter Mellings, Brian Carlisle, Harry Airey. Front Row (L-R): Ian Dyer, Sarah McLeod, Michelle McFadden, Donna Morken and Wayne Wareham, Al Morken. Missing from the photo: Diane Marriott, Craig Allison.
2012 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Peter Mellings, Craig Allison, Harry Airey, Wayne Wareham, Brian Carlisle, Al Morken. Front Row (L-R): Lorna Short, Donna Morken, Ian Dyer, Sarah McLeod. Missing from the photo: Michelle McFadden and Donna Falkevitch.
2011 Board of Directors
Back Row (L-R): Al Morken, Wayne Wareham, Craig Allison, Harry Airey, Petter Mellings, Brian Carlisle. Front Row (L-R): Donna Falkevitch, Donna Morken, Sara McLeod. Missing from the photo: Ian Dyer, Michelle McFadden and Lorna Short.